Welcome to the
Interstellar Post Office

In our present time, it was not pos­si­ble for every­one to share their thoughts with the uni­verse. Now it is. We make it pos­si­ble to send your mes­sage and pic­ture into space.

It’s sim­ple. Inspire your­self to some words and a pic­ture. Get a Space­S­tamp for your Post­card and share your mes­sage and a pic­ture of your choise with the universe.

The space look out for your thoughts, senders.



Coming Soon

  • Get one 42 sec video or audio SpaceStamp
  • Visu­al­ized share date, time and directionSend
  • Send at a cer­tain time (up to 100 years)
  • Send your thoughts to the Moon
  • Send your thoughts to Mars
  • Send your thoughts to cus­tom address

This is how we do

We coop­er­ate with expe­ri­enced com­pa­nies in the sen­si­tive field of aero­space engi­neer­ing. Using the lat­est hard­ware and sophis­ti­cat­ed process­es, your mes­sages will soon be on their way.
One thing is for sure — your thoughts will spread inter­stel­lar in no time.